23 December 2012 | Articles, Articles 2012, Management | By Christophe Lachnitt
We Should All Be Amateurs
Amateurs represent the epitome of a wonderful quality.
It is sometimes difficult to distinguish an amateur from a professional. It is even more true since digital technologies now allow everyone to produce a plethora of free content and media.
In his book “The Cognitive Surplus: How Technology Makes Consumers into Collaborators” (read my review here), Clay Shirky reminds us of the etymology of the word “amateur.” This term comes from the Latin verb “amare” which means “to love.”
Indeed the real difference between an amateur and a professional is that the former loves what he does – which is the intrinsic motivation by excellence – while the latter is animated by extrinsic motivation – e.g. seeking a reward, avoiding a punishment.
Contrary to popular belief, being an amateur is therefore enviable.