The Internet Doesn’t Make Us Stupid
6 May 2012
Contrary to what many believe, the expansion of the web doesn’t seem to be adversely affecting the way we consume the news.
6 May 2012
Contrary to what many believe, the expansion of the web doesn’t seem to be adversely affecting the way we consume the news.
18 March 2012
I read a quote the other day that says it all about the difficulty of communicating.
22 January 2012
Microsoft’s CEO made a very interesting comment on perception change in his interview with Bloomberg Businessweek.
15 January 2012
After discussing the Washington Post ombudsman’s statements a few days ago, I am today focusing on an article published by the New York Times’ ombudsman who is opening an even more important debate.
11 December 2011
The answer to this question is negative if we are to believe a recent article by Reuters. So are these communicators still relevant?
4 December 2011
The Board of Directors of the Pulitzer Prize has announced that the award for best local breaking news would now highlight real-time reporting.
27 November 2011
The most amazing anecdote from John Harris’ biography of Bill Clinton is a remarkable lesson in communication.
20 November 2011
From Herman Cain to Mario Monti, it seems that people want to promote personalities embodying to the point of caricature a break from their predecessors. This induces 180-degree perception changes that are very surprising.
13 November 2011
That’s what The Associated Press doesn’t understand. The news agency has just updated its charter on social media in an aberrant way.
31 October 2011
Microsoft’s founder spoke a few days ago to students at the University of Washington’s Paul G. Allen Center for Computer Science & Engineering (Seattle). He took the opportunity to express his views on the role played by Internet in the formation of our political perceptions. I am well aware of the enormity of what I’m about to […]