Television vs. Mobile Applications: Same Usage Concentration?
2 October 2016
Paradoxically, perhaps, the endless fragmentation of the media industry leads to an increasing usage concentration.
2 October 2016
Paradoxically, perhaps, the endless fragmentation of the media industry leads to an increasing usage concentration.
10 July 2016
It depends on what television we speak of.
14 February 2016
The cost to run a 30-second commercial during this year’s Super Bowl was 5 million dollars.
20 September 2015
The release of iOS 9, the new version of Apple’s mobile operating system, which allows ad blocking in the Safari Internet browser, sparked yet another online debate about this technology.
24 August 2014
This is what the media coverage of the Ferguson protests once again demonstrates.
19 August 2014
The definitive insider’s book.
2 June 2013
This is the thesis of The Economist. Is the British magazine right?
12 May 2013
Should journalists become executive secretaries?
21 April 2013
This is the question raised by the latest credible study on the subject.