

Truth Is Just Perception

Best 2020 Articles

Today I am taking a look back at your favorite Superception articles of 2020.

Here are your five favorite articles (measured by how many visits each received):

  1. How To Cut The Gordian Knot Of Facebook And Democracy? Mark Zuckerberg’s historical responsibility is commensurate with his company’s success.
  2. The Often-Forgotten Factor In Performance Management. No human being can be at their best all the time.
  3. For Journalists, It Is Time To Distinguish Objectivity And Integrity. The growing polarization of the public debate raises with new urgency the question of the role of the news media.
  4. More Than Ever, The Quest For Authenticity Must Govern Internal Communications. While the consequences of the Covid-19 pandemic will durably transform the world of work, companies must reconnect with their employees.
  5. A Company’s Secret Weapon To Mitigating A Crisis. Nowadays, companies are forced to focus on the short term for two reasons.

In 2020, Superception was read in 180 countries (#1 France; #2 U.S.; #3 Canada). Many thanks to everyone! – (CC) ivosar

The review of Superception’s 2020 French articles is accessible here.

After another year of Superception activity, I take this opportunity to thank all those who follow my reflexive wanderings.

Happy New Year to you all!

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