

Truth Is Just Perception

2012 In Review

For this last post of the year, I take a look back at your favorite Superception articles of 2012 – measured by how many visits each received – and mine.

In 2012, I wrote 81 articles in English on Superception, including 28 book reviews.

Here are your 5 favorite articles:

  1. The Ludicrous Management Lesson of a Google Executive (April 8).
  2. The Management Lesson of Oscar Pistorius (August 19).
  3. The Management Lesson of Starbucks’ CEO (October 23).
  4. The Perception Lesson of Steve Ballmer (January 22).
  5. The First Quality of a Communicator Is Anything but Natural (March 18).

(CC) Francis Mariani

And mine:

  1. A Communicator Is A Content Creator (November 11).
  2. The Management Lesson of Oscar Pistorius (August 19).
  3. Is Culture What Remains When One Has Forgotten Everything? (August 5).
  4. Is It Necessary to Suffer to Be a Better Leader? (January 29).
  5. In Defense of Risk-Taking (February 19).

For the review of Superception’s French articles, please see here.

After another year of Superception activity, I take this opportunity to thank all those who follow my reflexive wanderings.

Have a safe new year’s eve and happy New Year to you all!

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