31 December 2014 | Articles, Articles 2014, General | By Christophe Lachnitt
Best 2014 Articles
Today I am taking a look back at your favorite Superception articles of 2014 and mine.
Here are your five favorite articles (measured by how many visits each received):
- The Quintessential Native Advertising Strategy Deployed By Red Bull And GoPro (February 2).
- For Or Against Using Tweets In Ads? (January 5).
- The Management Lesson Of Shimon Peres (February 9).
- Community Managers Are Tomorrow’s Press Officers (December 7).
- The Amount Of Communication Is Inversely Proportional To The Level Of Trust (April 6).
And mine (by decreasing order of preference):
- On Political Leadership (September 28).
- My Life’s Philosophy (July 20).
- The Management Lesson Of San Francisco 49ers’ Bill Walsh (October 12).
- THE Secret To Identify A Good Communicator (April 27).
- Community Managers Are Tomorrow’s Press Officers (December 7).
The review of Superception’s 2014 French articles is accessible here.
After another year of Superception activity, I take this opportunity to thank all those who follow my reflexive wanderings.
Superception’s traffic has increased by 70% in 2014 over the previous year:
- Visits (sessions): +69%.
- Unique users: +71%.
- Page views: +74%.
Have a safe new year’s eve and happy New Year to you all!